Table of Contents


Each board is designed as a Node, identified by a number from 1 to 255 (0 is for broadcast). Each node peripheral is called a Device, and is numbered from 0 to n (n being the number of peripheral - 1).

Node id

Node ID is written in controller's EEPROM. To define a node's id, use command:

make writeaddress ADDRESS=0xnb

with nb the id for connected node (from 0x01 to 0xff).

Warning: controller's fuses must be set so that programming won't clear EEPROM, see ProgrammingFuses.


A standard protocol for communication between nodes is defined. The apps framework implements an easy to use skeleton for you nodes.


The bugone framework is bundled with drivers

Temperature sensor

ds18b20 lm35

Humidity sensor

hh10d dht11 dht22

Dummy sensors

const random text

others bits

