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bugone:hardware [2011/09/05 18:00] external edit
bugone:hardware [2014/12/25 17:12] (current)
jkx [Main board]
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 ====== The bugOne hardware specs ====== ====== The bugOne hardware specs ======
 +===== Main board =====
   * Atmega168   * Atmega168
   * RFM12BS   * RFM12BS
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   * Input / Output : 3.35v   * Input / Output : 3.35v
 +===== Shields ===== 
 +A shield is a daughter board with one or severals [[devices]]. Theses shields are available : 
 +* [[shield1]] A wire wrapped shield with temperature, humidity and light sensors 
 +* [[enc28j60]] An ethernet to bugnet gateway 
bugone/hardware.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/12/25 17:12 by jkx
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